27 Minutes with Jesus: A Morning Routine to Transform Your Day

Mornings can either be the launchpad to greatness or a straight-up trainwreck. That’s why I’m a big believer in starting the day with purpose, peace, and—most importantly—Jesus. I’m not about complicated systems or routines that make you feel like you’re climbing Mount Everest at 6 a.m. Instead, I’ve nailed down a simple, life-giving rhythm I like to call "27 Minutes with Jesus." It’s short, it’s powerful, and anyone can do it.

Let me walk you through how I start my day and, hopefully, inspire you to create a routine that fits your life and helps you grow spiritually.

The Day Begins with Coffee ☕

Now, let’s get one thing straight: I’m not one of those coffee snobs. Sure, I use a Chemex, but don’t be fooled—I couldn’t care less about bean origins or grind size. My go-to? Cafe Bustelo. Why? Because it’s quick, it’s strong, and it tastes good. Period.

And for those of you who are into gadgets, I’ve got an Alexa-powered kettle setup. Every morning, I say, "Alexa, fill the kettle," and boom, it’s go time. It’s a small thing, but hey, it adds a little fun to the morning. Once the coffee’s ready, I head into my office to get down to the real business—spending time with God.

Creating My Quiet Time Space 🌟

My office doubles as my sacred space. It’s where I work, but when it’s quiet time, the vibe changes completely. I dim the lights, close the shades, and put on some soft prayer music through my HomePod. It’s basically blackout mode, and that helps me focus.

This setup creates the perfect atmosphere for what comes next: my "27 Minutes with Jesus."

Breaking Down "27 Minutes with Jesus" 🕊️

Here’s the deal—it’s three simple steps, and they’re all about connecting with God in a meaningful way:

  1. 15 Minutes of Bible Reading: I dive into Scripture using my "Tear Up Your Bible 90-Day Reading Plan." It’s fast-paced and helps me see the big picture of the Bible. This isn’t about dissecting every verse; it’s about getting a broad understanding of God’s Word.

  2. 7 Minutes of Prayer: I like to pray with my face in my Bible. Why? Because it reminds me of who I’m talking to. I start by thanking God for one big thing, then move on to 3-5 specific requests. And I pray through the Psalms—it’s a game-changer for staying grounded and inspired.

  3. 5 Minutes of Worship: I wrap it up with a worship song. This is my time to lift my hands and sing to the Lord without worrying about all the ministry stuff I have to juggle. It’s just me and Jesus, and that’s what makes it powerful.

Why This Works for Everyone

Listen, I know some of you struggle with Bible reading or prayer. That’s okay! This routine is designed to be simple and doable. Even if you feel like you’re not "good" at it, worship music can help carry the moment and connect you to God. The goal here isn’t perfection—it’s consistency.

Whether you’re a seasoned believer or just getting started, "27 Minutes with Jesus" is a framework you can adapt to your life. It’s about creating space for God, building a habit, and experiencing His presence in a real way.

Takeaways for Your Morning Routine 📌

Here’s what I’d recommend as you build your own routine:

  • Start with something you enjoy. For me, it’s coffee. For you, maybe it’s tea or even silence.

  • Create a peaceful environment. Lights, music, and a clean space make a huge difference.

  • Keep it simple. You don’t need a complicated plan to spend time with God.

  • Be intentional in prayer. Thank God, ask for what you need, and use Scripture as your guide.

  • End with worship. Music can elevate your quiet time and bring it all together.

Let’s Transform Our Mornings

"27 Minutes with Jesus" isn’t just a morning routine—it’s a way to start your day with purpose and experience God’s grace. By dedicating this time to Bible reading, prayer, and worship, you can transform not only your mornings but your entire relationship with God.

So, are you ready to give it a shot? What’s your morning routine like? Drop a comment and let me know. Let’s encourage each other to grow in faith and live with purpose. And hey, here’s to mornings filled with coffee, Scripture, and the peace that only Jesus can give!


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