Ways to give

You can sow your seed of any amount by choosing your preferred method below. 
We recommend a recurring partnership using a Debit or Credit Card.

Contact us directly for additional forms of giving including, but not limited to: wire transfers, property donations, etc…

What is a Ministry partner?

Ministry Partners are individuals, families, businesses, and even other ministries that regularly pray for and financially support Jason Mayfield Ministries.

When you become a partner with Jason Mayfield Ministries, you directly connect yourself to the work and the rewards of this ministry. Your partnership enables us to preach the gospel all over the world and carry out the vision the Lord has given us to help people experience the power of the finished work of Jesus Christ.

Ministry partners commit to give any amount every month.

Partnership is God’s Model

Did you know that Jesus and the Apostles had partners? Partnership is the system God uses to promote his kingdom!

Luke 8:1-3 shows us that Jesus had wealthy partners who traveled with him and his disciples. They sowed seeds that financed the ministry’s mission. The scripture also indicates that they had no lack!

The Apostle Paul also had partners who attached themselves to his ministry. In fact, when speaking to the Philippians—his very first partners—he commended them for their faithfulness. He told them that all their needs would be supplied because of their partnership! (Philippians 4:19)

Partnership is God’s way of blessing you, as well! It’s important to understand that although your seed is blessing others, it’s not a donation. We’re not supporting a nonprofit; we’re positioning ourselves for supernatural harvests by sowing seeds of faith! God gives seed to the sower because he wants a way to bless us abundantly.

As you partner with us, you should expect a supernatural financial increase. Paul told the Corinthians that as they gave, all grace would abound to them, so they would always be content and abound in every good work (2 Corinthians 9:8).

Kingdom Partners take their investment into the work of the kingdom seriously, and they put serious money into the expansion of the kingdom.

Kingdom Partners go above and beyond in their giving and receive special recognition and access to ministry-related events.

Kingdom Partners commit to give $250+ every month.

What giving does

Preach the Gospel

When you partner with us, you’re enabling Jason to provide churches with revival services at no cost. This allows churches that are facing financial difficulties to experience the life-changing power of the finished work of Jesus Christ.

“How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent?”
Romans 10:14-15 NKJV

Demonstrate Power

Jason is a veteran Pentecostal preacher with nearly 20 years of experience.

As revival fires are beginning to burn across the nation, you’re enabling Jason to conduct powerfully supernatural services and train leaders in navigating the outpouring of the power of God.

Lives are being transformed in every power-packed service!

Disciple Nations

Our online broadcasts are reaching thousands of people with the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ every day.

For the last several years, the Tear Up Your Bible reading plan has been one of the most utilized plans in the English-speaking world.

The development of books and online courses has increased our ability to “deep dive” into material at length.