Everything You Need to Know About Hearing From The Holy Spirit

Hearing from the Holy Spirit isn’t just for the super-Christians, the Bible scholars, or the folks who wake up at 4 AM to pray for three hours before the rooster crows. If you’re a believer, you are designed to hear from God. Period.

But let’s go ahead and call it out—some of y’all have been in church your whole life, heard a hundred sermons about “listening to the voice of the Lord,” and still have no idea what that means in practical terms. And I get it. We preachers are good at getting you all fired up about needing a “word from God” without ever really explaining how to get one.

So today, I want to break it down. This isn’t just inspiration—it’s application. By the time we’re done, you’re going to know exactly how to start hearing from the Holy Spirit in a real, tangible way.

The Secret Key to a Life of Restoration

Let’s start with an Old Testament lady that doesn’t get a ton of Sunday morning airtime—the Shunammite woman from 2 Kings 4. This woman experienced three major restorations in her life:

  1. She was wealthy but barren. The prophet Elisha spoke a word over her, and she had a son.

  2. That same son died—and Elisha raised him back to life.

  3. She lost her home and land due to economic conditions but had everything restored to her by the king.

Three major areas of lack—three supernatural restorations. So what’s the secret? Why did she keep getting breakthrough after breakthrough?

It all started when she made room for the word of God in her life. She saw Elisha passing through and said, That man carries something from God—let’s make a space for him in our home. (2 Kings 4:10)

The Shunammite woman didn’t get supernatural restoration by hoping and wishing—she positioned herself to receive a word from God.

That’s the key. If you want to hear from the Holy Spirit, you have to make room for the Word of God in your life.

Step One: Understand How the Holy Spirit Speaks

This is where people get confused. We hear phrases like:

  • “The Holy Spirit spoke to me…”

  • “God told me to do this…”

  • “The Lord woke me up at 2:45 AM and…”

And you’re sitting there thinking, I don’t hear nothing.

Let me simplify it. The Holy Spirit speaks primarily through bringing Scripture to your remembrance.

John 14:26 (ESV) says:

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.”

That means the primary way God is going to speak to you is by bringing the Bible back to your mind in the right moment.

That’s why it’s critical that you’re in the Word. The Holy Spirit can’t remind you of something you’ve never read!

Step Two: Build the Holy Spirit’s Library

If the Holy Spirit speaks by bringing Scripture to your mind, then you need to fill the shelves of your mind with the Word.

Let me put it this way—if you don’t read your Bible, you are limiting how much God can speak to you.

This is why I tell people to read the whole Bible at least once a year. A one-year Bible plan takes 12-15 minutes a day. That’s it!

And don’t just read the same handful of verses that get preached every Sunday. The Holy Spirit has a limited vocabulary if you only know John 3:16 and Philippians 4:13.

When you fill your mind with Scripture, you’re giving the Holy Spirit more material to work with. That’s when things start getting exciting.

Step Three: Pay Attention When Scripture Comes to Your Mind

Once you start getting the Word in you, something crazy will happen.

You’ll be in a conversation, and a verse will pop into your head.
You’ll be making a decision, and a Bible story will suddenly come to mind.
You’ll be praying, and a phrase from Scripture will just hit you out of nowhere.

That’s the Holy Spirit speaking.

Most people miss it because they’re waiting for a booming voice from heaven when God has already put His voice in a book.

Your Next Step

Hearing from the Holy Spirit isn’t complicated. Here’s your simple, three-step process:

  1. Understand how He speaks—He brings Scripture to your remembrance.

  2. Fill your mind with the Word—Read the Bible consistently so He has something to bring up.

  3. Pay attention—When a verse comes to your mind, recognize that God is speaking.

That’s it. No weird formulas. No over-the-top spiritual gymnastics. Just real, practical hearing from God.

You want to live a life of restoration like the Shunammite woman? You want to walk in wisdom and supernatural breakthrough? Make room for the Word, and let the Holy Spirit do the rest.

It’s time to stop waiting for a sign and start hearing from the Holy Spirit every day.

Let’s go!

That’s everything you need to know about hearing from the Holy Spirit. Now, what Scripture is coming to your mind right now? Because God is already speaking! 🔥


  1. The Holy Spirit speaks primarily through Scripture – He brings the Word to your remembrance when you need it (John 14:26).

  2. You have to give Him something to work with – Read your Bible daily so He can remind you of it later.

  3. Pay attention when a verse comes to mind – That’s God speaking to you in real-time.

  4. Make room for the Word like the Shunammite woman did – She created space for God’s voice and experienced supernatural restoration (2 Kings 4).

  5. Stop waiting for a booming voice – If you want to hear from the Holy Spirit, fill your mind with the Bible and listen when it comes back to you.


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